Living Connections Team Experience

From NZD $65.00
  • Duration: 120 Minutes (approx.)
  • Location: Pukeatua, Waikato
  • Product code: SMMLIVCON

Take time away from work demands and immerse the team in nature. This well-being investment is essential for replenishing resources so your team doesn't feel drained and dispirited when encountering home and work demands. 

A Living Connections session can have a specific focus, depending on the company's needs, such as team building, stress management, corporate identity, feedback on how employees perceive the company, creative processes and more.

During your workshop, your experienced guide will offer your team a variety of invitations to notice, reflect and interact with the forest around them. These may include purposeful slow walks, exploring rongoā rākau healing plants, focusing on the senses to take real notice, or the gentle guided movement practice to help relieve stress. All invitations are optional, with some experiences as part of the group and some on their own, and we can devise the right mix of invitations to suit the team's needs. An introduction to rongoā rākau can be included in this workshop.

More and more research demonstrates the benefits of nature-based experiences, including improved memory and cognition, stress reduction, increased creativity, enhanced immunity and heart health. The team will come away invigorated and relaxed. 

Workshops can be run on a day that suits your business (dates are available by arrangement). If the date you're interested in isn't available or you prefer to be invoiced please get in contact

"The team are still absolutely buzzing about their time at Maungatautari! We all learnt SO much – about te Rongoa, about the forest and how different plants can heal our ailments – but also how the forest as a whole can heal our inner-selves too. Everybody took something of great value out of your teachings and we are very grateful.”  Huka Honey Hive

Suggested itinerary

10 am: Arrive at the visitors centre for introductions and walk with your hosts into the Te Tūī a Tāne southern enclosure 

10:30 am-12.30pm: A larger group would divide into smaller groups working with our wellbeing practitioners to experience a series of activities. The groups will rotate through the different experiences on offer.

12:30-1pm: Return to the visitors centre for lunch.

1-1.45pm: Catered lunch (additional charge).

1.45pm: Depart or return to the forest for self-guided walk.